Coffee Hour/Scavenger Hunt
July/August 2024
Sunday Coffee Hour - Starting in July, we'll be serving coffee and treats in the parlour after the 10am service on Sunday. Come join us each week as we stay connected with our church family this summer.
Scavenger Hunt!  Find Lenora on Sunday and give her your verse for the word STRENGTH.  Keep an eye on the bulletin board outside Lenora’s office to see if your verse gets chosen as the favourite for the week. There will be prizes for those who complete the most weeks.  This Scavenger hunt will run all summer long. Each week’s word will be listed in This Week at Holy Cross, and attached to the Children’s Worship Bulletins.  The new word, for you to bring on Sunday, July 14th is Hope. If you can’t make it to church on Sunday, you can email Lenora with your verse. 
