The Year 1952

In 1952 Holy Cross experienced its first change in pastors. Rev. Meyer, recognizing the need for chaplains in the armed forces, plus his own ambition to serve in this capacity, requested the congregation to grant him a 21 -month leave-of-absence to enter the American Air Force. The request was granted, but certainly reluctantly because of the wonderful success that pastor and people had working together. During the period of absence, student vicars were to serve. The first vicar arrived in June, then student, Lloyd Wentzlaff. Rev. H. H. Erdman served as vacancy pastor from Rev. Meyer's departure in April until the middle of June.

When Rev. Meyer left, the parsonage at 15 Stirling Avenue. N. was sold for $8,068.25, and the full debt with the District of $8,303.72 was paid off.

Pastor Daryl G. Meyer and wife Grace with children Cheryl and Mark, 1951

The Year 1953

On July 19th a vicar change took place as Vicar Willard Mueller arrived to replace Vicar Wentzlaff for a year's term of service. Both vicars boarded at the home of Ernest Shuert, 189 Simeon Street.

The Year 1954

As the congregation was looking forward to the return of their pastor from his leave-of-absence in April, they were saddened on March 7th by the news of the unexpected death of Mrs. Meyer. This prompted the pastor to resign from the congregation and to stay in the chaplaincy, and a decision to apply for a candidate from the seminary, requesting and receiving of Lloyd Wentzlaff. Ordination and installation took place, significantly on the second Sunday in August - the anniversary date of Holy Cross' first service. 

Pastor Wentzlaff served the Holy Cross congregation for 40 years, 1 year as vicar and 39 years as pastor.

A parsonage was purchased at 104 Borden Avenue, with a loan of $12,500 from the District Church Extension Fund. 

Pastor Lloyd E. and Shirley Wentzlaff, 1987
