What's Coming in September

From our earliest days, the people of Holy Cross have placed a high priority on teaching and learning God’s Word. Just a few Sundays after our founding service, Sunday School and Bible Classes began. As we move into the fall of 2023, we give thanks to God for the teaching opportunities we have had over the years and commit ourselves anew to being life-long learners of God’s Word. Here are 2 adult Bible study opportunities for the fall: 

Sunday Morning Adult Bible Class – Beginning on September 10 at 9:50 a.m., we will begin a study called “The Faithfulness of the Lord.” This phrase from our 75th anniversary theme verse (Psalm 89:1) will guide us as we think together about the faith we confess. Well-meaning Christians sometimes say, “It doesn’t really matter what you believe, so long as you’re sincere.” However, if Christians don’t steep themselves in doctrines of God’s faithfulness, then the Christian Faith – and the world outside the Faith – will descend into chaos. Our study will focus upon the Apostles’ Creed that we might see in these ancient words a vibrant window into the splendor of God’s truth, a window that each Christian soul needs. 

Small Group Bible Study – A 6 week study beginning right after Thanksgiving. It’s been a number of years since we have been able to have a Bible Study series where we meet together away from the church in smaller groups, get to know each other and also grow in God’s Word. Beginning in October we will begin a study called “Life Together.” Together we will explore the letter of 1 Peter and its implication for believers. We are transformed by God through faith. Led by His Spirit of hope to live holy before Him, we love and serve those in our communities while struggling against the world's influence. Our churches, too, should be welcoming places to non-believers who are looking for integrity, relevance, and a commitment to God's truth. Along with participants, we will be needing leaders and hosts for the sessions. We are hoping to have a number of different options of days and times so that a maximum number of members can participate. To begin, we would ask that anyone willing to be a Bible study leader or to host a session, sign up on the sheets placed on the table by the elevator. Once we have our leaders, times and locations together, we will proceed with sign-ups for the actual sessions. 

Note – leadership and hosting will not be onerous work. Materials will be fully prepared for the leaders who will act more as facilitators. The Pastors will also provide support as required. Groups may also decide that they want to rotate hosting – whatever works for them. In addition to the home studies, there will be a small group that meets at the church on Wednesday evenings, facilitated by Pastor Astley. We look forward to a Spirit-filled time of learning and fellowship this fall. 

As we prepare for the fall, make time for the teaching of God’s Word. 

“We sing of the steadfast love of the Lord so that we make known God’s faithfulness to all generations.” (Psalm 89:1) 
